VIDAL S.A.S DI MARTINEZ DAVIDE with its registered office in La Massa – Via Pier Paolo Pasolini, 15 – 50064 – Figline and Incisa Valdarno FI, is constantly taking steps to protect the privacy of its online users.

This policy is an extension of the information on the use of cookies and other technical identifiers provided to the user through the simplified policy present on the banner displayed when accessing our website.

This page is addressed to users who consult the website accessible electronically at

The Data Controller is Vidal S.A.S di Martinez Davide

The person responsible for the protection of personal data can be reached at the e-mail address info

Definitions, characteristics and application of the legislation

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send and record on your terminal device (computer or mobile device such as smartphones or tablets), to be then transmitted back to the same sites on the next visit.

It is precisely thanks to cookies that a site remembers the user’s actions and preferences (such as login details, the language chosen, font sizes and other display settings) so that they do not have to be indicated again when the user returns to the site or navigates from one page to another of it. Cookies, therefore, are used to perform computer authentication, monitor sessions, facilitate the use of content and store information regarding the activities of users who access a site and may also contain a unique identification code that allows tracking the user’s navigation within the site for statistical or advertising purposes.

a) Classification of cookies

In the course of browsing a site, in addition to cookies stored directly from the site visited (so-called “first-party cookies”), the user may also receive on his computer cookies from sites or web servers other than the one he is visiting (so-called “third-party cookies”).

Some operations could not be carried out without the use of cookies, which in some cases are therefore technically necessary for the same operation of the site.

There are various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions, and these can remain on the user’s computer for different periods of time:

so-called “section cookies” or also referred to as “navigation cookies”, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed;

so-called “persistent cookies”, which remain on the user’s computer until a set deadline.

There are also cookies, so-called “analytic cookies” or “statistics”, used for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the service provided, for the design of a website or to help measure its traffic, i.e. the number of visitors also possibly divided by geographical area, time zone of the connection or other characteristics.

According to the legislation in force in Italy, the express consent of the user is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, the so-called “technical cookies”, i.e. those used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communication network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user, do not require such consent. These are, in other words, cookies that are essential for the operation of the site or necessary to perform activities requested by the user, without which some operations could not be performed or would be more complex and/or less secure.

Among technical cookies, which do not require express consent for their use, the Italian Personal Data Protection Guarantor (see Cookie Guidelines and other tracking tools) of 10 June 2021 and subsequent clarifications also includes:

analytics cookies if their use excludes the possibility of reaching the direct identification of the interested party (so-called “single out”), thus preventing the use of analytics cookies that may be direct and unique identifiers. Moreover, their structure must provide for the possibility of referring them not to one but to several devices, so as to create reasonable uncertainty as to the IT identity of the person receiving it (usually by masking portions of the IP address within the cookie itself as indicated in the Guidelines). Finally, in order to be identified as technical, analytics cookies must be limited to the production of aggregate statistics only and that they are used in relation to a single site/mobile application, so as not to allow tracking of a person’s browsing using different applications or navigating different websites;

navigation or session cookies.

For so-called “profiling cookies”, i.e. those aimed at creating user profiles and used in order to modulate the provision of the service in a personalised manner beyond what is strictly necessary for the provision of the service or to send targeted advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of web browsing and/or to analyse and monitor the behaviour of visitors, the user’s prior consent is required.

2. Types of cookies used by our site

The Owner has classified the cookies in use according to their type of use as shown in the table. Since third party cookie suppliers are also obliged to comply with the regulations on the subject, we refer you to the links to the web pages of the third party sites, where the user can find the forms for collecting consent to cookies and their relative information.

3. Your decisions regarding cookies

You can select a functionality whereby your computer will notify you whenever a cookie is set, or you can decide to disable all cookies. You can select such functionality through your browser settings. Each browser is slightly different, so please identify in the “Help” menu of your browser the most correct way to change the functionality related to cookies. If you choose to disable cookies, you will not have access to many features that make your experience on our site more efficient and some of our services will not function properly.

4. Privacy rights under Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR

Pursuant to Article 15 et seq. of the GDPR, you have the right to request from Vidal S.A.S di Martinez Davide, at any time, access to, rectification or erasure of your personal data, you have the right to object to the processing, you have the right to request the restriction of processing in the cases provided for by Article 18 of the GDPR, and you have the right to obtain in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the data concerning you, in the cases provided for by Article 20 of the GDPR.

Requests should be addressed in writing to the Data Controller at the e-mail address

In any case, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali), pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR, if you believe that the processing of your personal data is contrary to the regulations in force.




Osteria Il Postiglione – La Massa P.P. Pasolini, 15 – 50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI

P. Iva: 06029860480 – Share Capital: € 6.000,00